BIOL 2421 Microbiology Lecture Review: Parasitic Worms and Arthropods 
Dr. Weis                                    

  1. Define the following terms:
    1. Definitive host [DH]
    2. Intermediate Host [IH]
    3. Infective stage

  2. Explain the immune system response regarding
    1. Host Susceptibility
    2. Host Defenses
    3. Parasite Avoidance
    4. Pathogenesis

                                                               i.      Direct

                                                             ii.      Indirect

  1. Be able to explain the generalized life cycle of helminthes (trematodes, cestodes, nematodes), how a parasitic disease might be diagnosed, and treatment options.
  1. Explain how helminthes might be prevented from being transmitted to humans
  1. For the following helminthes, know the Genus name, IH, Infective stage, DH, primary disease, and how diagnosed.
    1. Fasciola
    2. Schistosoma
    3. Taenia
    4. Echinococus
    5. Ascaroides
    6. Ancylostoma
    7. Pinworms
    8. Trichenella
  1. For the following helminthes, know the parasite genus name and the primary disease with clinical signs.
    1. Chinese Liver Fluke
    2. Lung Fluke
    3. Dog/Cat Tapeworm
    4. Filariad worms
    5. Animal [dog, cat] Round Worm
    6. Whipworm
    7. Strongyloides
    8. Guinea Worm
  1. Name the two parasitic arthropod genus’s discussed that affect humans, their location, transmission, and clinical signs.

Extra Credit: Name two medical reasons to use leaches