Mini-research Article


Using a search engine (such as Google), find a current article on nutrition research from a popular media source.

The homework assignment should include the following:

1)      Print out of the original article

2)      Two paragraph (3-4 sentences minimum for each paragraph) typed summary as follows:

a.       First paragraph summarizes the article and explains if this information is important to know.

b.      Second paragraph answers the following questions

                                                              i.      Who is reporting the information? (blogger, journalist, scientist, etc) and what type of credentials do they have with regards to the topic of the article.

                                                            ii.      Who conducted and also who paid for the research? Was there any conflict of interest or did the researchers have anything to gain from the sponsors?

                                                          iii.      Is the report based on reputable research and did it follow a scientific method? Was the report peer reviewed or was it based on testimonials?

                                                          iv.      Does the report make any claims about curing or treating a condition/disease? Do these claims sound too good to be true?


Grading Rubric: 7 points

Content for Homework

Point Value

Student Name

0, but if missing name, -3.5

First Paragraph Summary


Second Paragraph Summary


Print out of Article




Due Date: Announced in Class: __________________________________


See syllabus regarding late homework.