Chapter Six Lecture Review Questions

1. Regarding amino acids (AA), give their structure and examples of essential and non essential.

2. Give the general events of transcription and translation and how proteins are formed.

3. Give the protein structural organization level and based on this, the two major protein types, examples, and their use.

4. Explain the process of protein digestion, where it occurs, chemicals used.

5. Explain the process of protein absorption, where it occurs and transports used.

6. Explain protein quality and a complete protein diet.

7. Give the source of proteins and the RDA requirements for dietary protein.

8. Name four problems related to protein digestion/absorption/metabolism.

9. Define transamination and deamination and when these processes occur.

10. Give a general explanation of the urea cycle.

11. Define nitrogen balance.

12. Calculate the energy contribution of protein based on the dietary intake recommendations.

13. List the pros and cons of a vegetarian diet.