Pre-Chiropractic course requirements
The council on Chiropractic Education
(CCE) has confirmed that the minimum number of requirements for admission
to a chiropractic college will remain at 60 semester hours of education beyond
high school. The minimum grade point average (GPA) for acceptance will be
2.50 on a 4.0 scale.
Pre-professional credits must
include the following :
6 hours Communication and/or Language Skills see catalogue
3 hours Psychology PSYC 2301 or others
15 hours Social Sciences or Humanities see catalogue
(minium two semesters or one academic year should be completed
in each science subject)
6 hours Biology with lab (general, cell, zoo, micro, A&P) see catalogue
6 hours Inorganic chemistry with lab CHEM 1411, 1412
6 hours Organic chemistry with lab CHEM 2423, 2425
6 hours Physics with lab PHYS 2425, 2426
Please note : Individual State
licensing boards may require additional education prior to entering a chiropractic
It is imperative that you confirm all information with the licensing board
of the state (province or country) in which you desire to be licensed.
Licensure telephone numbers are available by calling 1-800-722-3648 and asking for the Institutional Planning and Research Department.
The applicant should have completed
courses in the sciences selected from the pre-chiropractic or pre-medical
curricula recommended by your undergraduate institution(s).
Courses should be completed in a logical sequence. Survey and first term
(one semester) courses are considered to be the same type of course and are
usually not accepted
in a professional program.