Student Agreement Form

Biology 2404, On Line A&P Basics Lecture and Lab

I, __________________________________________, as a student enrolled in Biology 2404, On Line A&P Basics Lecture and Lab at Collin County Community College understand and agree to all policies, guidelines, and procedures of the course as determined by my instructor.

____I have been advised of the stringent “code of student conduct.” I understand that violations of “the student code” which includes but is not limited to cheating, plagiarism, collusion and disruptive behavior will result in disciplinary action. I understand that it is my responsibility to obtain a copy of the “student handbook” for additional information on student conduct and college policies.

____I understand that no resources of any kind are to be used during evaluation times, including but not limited to quizzes, exams, and practicals.

____I understand that I am enrolled in an on line biology lecture and on line biology lab and that this course is designed for non-science majors.  I understand that this is not a remedial or developmental course and that the material is on a sophomore college level and will be taught at this level.

____I understand that science courses require daily dedicated time for study and review in order to succeed in the course.

____I agree to seek assistance from my instructor when having difficulty with the course material.

____I agree to take responsibility for all assignments and their due dates and times and that turning in late work will result in point deductions and a possible zero (0) grade.

____I have read and understood the lecture syllabus, lab syllabus, lecture addendum, lab addendum, lecture objectives, lab objectives, and additional course requirements including but not limited to the textbook, computer, & internet access.

____I understand that my grade will be based entirely on my performance on exams, quizzes, lab practicals, and / or other assignments and is not negotiable.

Initial by the blanks for each statement above & complete the following information below :

Course and Section ______________________________             Date______________________

Student Name (Printed) ____________________________________________________________

Student Name (Signed) ____________________________________________________________

Email Address: _________________________________ Phone Number: _____________________

Failure to return this form before the end of 1st class day will result in a lowering of the overall course grade as outlined in the instructor’s addendum.
Return by fax to the M/NS Division Office :  972-881-5619
Return by USPS mail to :  Dr. Mary Weis  CCCCD- SCC- M/NS 2800 E. Spring Creek Parkway Plano, TX 75074