Engineering, Technology, & Computer Systems

Robert M. Benavides, Professor of Computer Systems


Contact Information:

Office:  SCC/J136

Phone:  972-516-5061


Office Hours:

-       Posted on office door

-       Listed in your Canvas class – See Module 0.

Message Professor?  After class starts, use Canvas In-Box ONLY. 
Call Professor?  After class starts, request Zoom Meeting ONLY.

When will Canvas be available?  FIRST DAY of class and not before. 

What is Canvas? It is a web-based learning management system (LMS).  You will access your course materials through Canvas.

Logon to Canvas directly:

(Access to course materials)


eCollin Learning Center (eLC):
(Help for Canvas / Online Learning)


Technical Support:
(Problems with Canvas / Email)

972-881-5870 (M – F, 9 to 5)

972-377-1777 (24 hours)

YouTube Videos:

ITSE 1359 – Intro to Python

COSC 1315 – Logic and Design with Python

ITSC 1305 – Intro to Windows

COSC 1315 – Alice and Java