Title Visual Demonstrations for Linear Algebra using Mathematica
Course Linear Algebra – Math 2318, Fall 2010
Students Mito Are, Recipient of HI-TECCC Scholarship awarded in Spring 2011
This set of demonstrations illustrates some Linear Algebra concepts using built in Mathematica functions that allow user control and manipulation.
3D Vector Decomposition:
This Demonstration shows the decomposition of a vector in 3D. The user can define the vector to be decomposed
and the three vectors defining the directions of decomposition. The scalar multipliers of each of the
three vectors are calculated by solving a linear system. If the determinant of the system is zero,
corresponding to the vectors defing the decomposition directions being linearly dependent,
a message is displayed prompting the user to make another selection. The prism defining the
decomposition is graphed.
2D Rotation Using Matrices:
This Demonstration illustrates the concept of rotating a 2D polygon.
The rotation matrix is displayed for the current angle. The default polygon is a square
that can be modified to any polygon by adding or deleting vertexes.