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Collin County Community College

Suggested Study Habits

  • As you are reading the textbook or preparing homework assignments, make a note of anything you don't understand and ask about it in class.

  • Take notes during class. After class, review your notes and rewrite them if necessary to fill in any missing details. If you don't understand a concept, question me about it during the next class or during my office hours.

  • As you start each chapter of the textbook, read "Chapter Openers" to begin to develop an understanding of what you'll learn in the chapter.

  • Read the assigned material in each section before it is covered in class. After attending class, reread the assigned section to make sure that you understand the material.

  • Remember that learning calculus is a step-by-step process. Always keep up with and complete your assignmnets because you must understand each topic in order to learn the next one.

  • When you are working problems for homework assignments, show every step in your solution. Then, if you make an error, it will be easier for you to find it.

  • Work the problems in the homework assignments as though you were practicing for a test. First try to solve the problems with your book and your notebook closed.

  • Study with another student or small group of students, especially when preparing for a test.

  • On the day of the test, allow yourselk plenty of time to get to the testing location.

  • Review your tests carefully, making sure you understand where and how you made errors.

  • If you are having a problem, be sure to take advantage of my office hours, Math Lab tutoring hours for extra help.

Page generated August 2005. Last modified on January 7, 2006.

  Mathematics Department Collin College