G. F. B. Riemann
(1826 - 1866)

Who is Georg F. Bernard Riemann? And why does his name turn up in calculus (the Riemann integral)? Georg Riemann was born on Sept. 17, 1826 and he contributed not only to calculus but also geometry. If you wish to read his writings, some of his works are available on the web (in German).



New Largest Prime Found!

A 26 year old student at MSU recently discovered the new largest prime number. The new prime has over 6,320,430 digits! It was discovered as part of the Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search (GIMPS) project. The project is made up of over 60,000 volunteers who let use their computers spare time to test numbers.

 Riemann Hypothesis One of 7 Millenium Problems

The Clay Mathematics Institute selected seven mathematical problems as their Millenium Problems and are offering a prize of $1 million for a solution to each problem. One of the problems is the Riemann Hypothesis.


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