Gnostic Philosophy Page 5

So now, we have all the elements in place and are ready to bring our Gnostic Philosophy to contemporary fruition. To begin with, the Unknowable God can obviously only be posited by, rather than known to, philosophical--that is, rational--inquiry. Granted, its role as the Creative Resource, which shall be spoken of next, can easily be understood both philosophically and scientifically. But for the Unknowable God, that which resides above and beyond rational knowledge (as opposed to Gnosis), we can at this point only look inward in silence. It is in some respect true, I suppose, that the Unknowable God has a modern equivalent, although in admittedly mundane and theologically unsatisfying terms, in the Nothing of which modern Physicists speak when referring to that from which the World arose. The Universe, they say, is a fluctuation out of Nothing of the Self-Gravitating Void. And this original Nothing or Eyn, as the Uncertainty Principle tells us, is beyond all human thought. And what is more, the Eyn Soph, the Infinitude of the Eyn, finds Its counterpart in the Absolute Infinite of the Set Theory of Georg Cantor, which underlies and ingirds all Mathematics, specifically the Mathematics that serves as the foundation of modern Mathematical Physics.

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