Gnostic Philosophy Page 6

The Creative Resource, that which brings about the creation of the Universe, is what I have elsewhere called The Syzygy of The Self and The Other. The Other, in one sense, is the Unknowable God, as we see from Valentinus' appelation--the Alien. But this same Other, which Itself ingirds that Creative Resource, is to be found at the heart, is the true Essence, of each creature in creation. Hence, as Alan Watts puts it, You are It: You, the Self, are It, the Other. So the Self and the Other are intimately related through Its immanence in the personal consciousness of humans and Its transcendance as the Unknowable God. This is one level of The Syzygy of The Self and The Other.

On another level, the Syzygy is manifest in the one dimension of Time and the three dimensions of Space. Time, the great generator of all things, manifests as the "moving image of Eternity", as Plato puts it, and unfolds in our three dimensional Universe as the six directions: Up, Down, Forward, Backward, Right, and Left. And make no mistake; although Universes are possible in which there are more or less than three spatial dimension, in those with fewer spatial dimenions--one or two--there is not enough complexity to evolve beings as intricate as humans, and in those with more than three spatial dimension the complexity is of such a nature as to inhibit again the development of the requisite complexity for human types of consciousness. Rather, as many popular texts of Physics and Mathematics attest, our Universe with its three spatial dimensions is the only one capable of producing creatures of our brand of consciousness and our level of intelligence.

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