Ontology — The Ground of ExistencePage 2

The Syzygy of the Self and the Other constitutes the infinite and eternal Ground of Existence. This Dualism is deemed necessary, because Qualitative Monism, the belief in the unity of Being, prohibits true diversity. Anything "created" in a Monistic system can only be a part of the One. As the Chinese text Kuo Yu (c 770 BCE) has it, "unity ends all chance of creativity". In contrast, Qualitative Duality, which is expressed in the Syzygy, allows for creativity by demanding that the Quantitive One is actually Many.

The Syzygy itself, however, cannot be said to exist, strictly speaking; rather, the Syzygy is Creative Resource from which all entities derive. And due to the infinite complexity of the Syzygy, creation possesses unlimited potentiality. Of course, the Syzygy derives a certain dynamic nature from the Ontological and Cosmological Categories—that is what Force and Form are all about—and all entities emmanating from the Syzygy will have the tendency to evolve. Hence, creation will lead from complexity to complexity; and even if the Universe starts with only one kind of entity, if that kind were complex enough—a fact that is, admittedly, generally of pure happenstance but apparently true enough of our World—then it will lead inevitably to other entities.

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