Later Qabbalism Page 6

The mystical vision of the Chariot-Throne was embraced by the earliest qabbalisists. Like Chariot mysticism, with which it overlapped, Qabbalism lasted for more than a thousand years in its first phase, although, also like Chariot mysticism, it suffered many changes and took on various though related forms during the subsequent centuries. In particular, the seminal ideas of the Creation Story and the Chariot-Story were developed by later Qabbalists along lines that would have been barely recognizable to the mystics who initially had conceived of these ideas. In later Qabbalism, as we shall see directly, the Creation Story evolved into what is known as the Tree Of Life, while in later versions of the Cosmic Tree scenario the Chariot Story was transformed into the doctrine of the Four Worlds (as shown in Figure 4, on the left).11

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