The Divine Names Page 13

Turning finally to the middle column, the reader will recall that to the top spheerah is assigned the name AHYH. To the second spheerah, the Crown, is allotted the name YHWH ALHYM ('ya-ho-WAH el-oh-HEEM'), which is usually translated as 'Lord God'. This translation, however, as traditional as it might be, is not an altogether faithful translation. For when the Bible was translated into English, the translators followed an old Jewish tradition of substituting the word 'Lord', which in Hebrew is 'Adonai', for the proper name of God. This gives us the common translation mentioned above: Lord God. In light of what we have seen here, however, a more proper translation would be: "He-Is, God"; or if you prefer to retain the Jewish form of the name (which seems appropriate) we would have: "Yahweh, God". All the same, regardless of what we think the translation should be, the fact is that there is nearly universal agreement among Qabbalists that the name YHWH ALHYM is the correct name to be assigned to this spheerah. The Qabbalists also agree on the names for the next two spheerah on this column. The name for the third spheerah down, the Foundation, is AL-ChY ('el-KHAI' = 'God, the living', or 'the living God'); and the name assigned to the bottom spheerah, the Kingdom, is ADNY ('ad-o-NEE', the correct form of the previously mentioned Adonai),24 and this name completes the list of Divine Names.

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