The Seven Sacred SealsPage 25

No institution uses this rhetorical ploy more effectively than religion. The ancients believed in a three-layered world, but they also included the Four Corners, the four Cardinal Directions. When these are added to the three-tiered system we get a sevenfold system, as seen earlier in the octahedron. This septanary, coupled with the seven "planets", gave us the seven days of the week; and the Six Days Of Creation and the Seventh Day of Rest are held by Jewish mystics to represent this structure.29 Nor is this symbol restricted to Judaism. The pyramids of the Egyptians and the Aztecs, as well as the ziggurats of the Mesopotamians, testify to their belief in an octrahedronal Universe. The table below shows many variations on this same theme, the main point being this: not a single word of this is true—it's all pure rhetoric. Still, the universal acceptance of this septanary model, as demonstrated by these several instances, aptly shows its value for Rhetoric.

Septenary: Egypt Israel Astrology Alchemy Hinduism Aztecs Psychology
Above Nut Waters Above The Sun Sulphur Devas Heaven Superego
Center Horus Temple Saturn Quintessence The World Fifth Sun Spirit
Below Geb Waters Below Mercury Mercury Nirayas Earth Id
North Osiris Light Jupiter Fire Man Fire Sun Ego
South Isis Darkness The Moon Water Pretas Water Sun Shadow
East Set Seas Venus Air Animals Air Sun Mask
West Nepthys Dry Land Mars Earth Asuras Earth Sun Soul
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