Chapter Four Page 11
Lesson 8

Gate 1. He caused letter B to reign in Wisdom; bound to him a Crown, and combined the one with the other. And he formed with them: the Moon in the World; the first Day in the Year; the right eye in Man, Male and Female.

Lesson 9

Gate 2. He caused letter G to reign in Wealth; bound to him a Crown, and combined the one with the other. And he formed with them: Mars in the World; the second Day in the Year; the right ear in Man, Male and Female.

Lesson 10

Gate 3. He caused letter D to reign in Fertility; bound to him a Crown, and combined the one with the other. And he formed with them: the Sun in the World; the third Day in the Year; the right nostril in Man, Male and Female.

Lesson 11

Gate 4. He caused letter K to reign in Life; bound to him a Crown, and combined the one with the other. And he formed with them: Venus in the World; the fourth Day in the Year; the left eye in Man, Male and Female.

Lesson 12

Gate 5. He caused letter P to reign in Dominion; bound to him a Crown, and combined the one with the other. He formed with them: Mercury in the World; the fifth Day in the Year; the left ear in Man, Male and Female.

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