Chapter Five Page 14
Lesson 5

Gate 1, from One. He caused letter H to reign in Speaking; and bound to him a Crown, and combined the one with the other. And he formed with them: Aries in the World; the Nisan in the Year; and the right Foot in Man, Male and Female.

Lesson 6

Gate 2, from One. He caused letter W to reign in Thinking; and bound to him a Crown, and combined the one with the other. And he formed with them: Taurus in the World; the Iyar in the Year; and the right Kidney in Man, Male and Female.

Lesson 7

Gate 3, from One. He caused letter Z to reign in Walking; and bound to him a Crown, and combined the one with the other. And he formed with them: Gemini in the World; the Sevan in the Year; and the left Foot in Man, Male and Female.

Lesson 8

Gate 1, from Two. He caused letter Ch to reign in Seeing; and bound to him a Crown, and combined the one with the other. And he formed with them: Cancer in the World; the Tamuz in the Year; and the right Hand in Man, Male and Female.

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