Lesson 1
These are those three Mothers: A, M, Sh; and He formed from them three Fathers, and the are: Air, and Water, and Fire; and from the Fathers: Children.64 Three Fathers and their Children; and seven Stars and their Hosts; and twelve Oblique Borders.
Lesson 2
To speak proof: the Faithful Witness; in the World, Year, Man; and twelve established, and seven, and three. And their commissions are as the Mountain, and Circle, and Heart.65
Lesson 3
Three Mothers: A, M, Sh; Air, Fire, and Water. And Fire above, and Water below, and Air is a Spirit established as a Friend between. To speak a sign: the Fire carries the Water;66 M silent, Sh hissing, A, Air, Spirit established as a Friend between.
Lesson 4
The Mountain in the World is like a King on his Throne. The Circle in the Year is like a King in a Provence. The Heart in Man is like a King in Battle.