
M.C. Escher, Hand with Reflecting Sphere

Charles Darwin
Karl Marx
Sigmund Freud
William James
John B. Watson
Jean Piaget
Charles Davenport
Harry Laughlin
Franz Boas


Introduction to Sociology - Online
Reading Assignments, Lecture Notes, Videos & Web Sites

Unit 1B: Perspectives: What is a Human Being?

Class Lecture Notes*: Perspectives: What is a Human Being?

*Note: For some units - not all of them - I will provide a transcript - with images - of a class lecture that covers materials that will not be found in the textbook. Sometimes - as in this instance - it will replace a text reading assignment, in other instances it will provide materials that will supplement the text and other readings.

By clicking on the link above, you will be taken to a web page where you simply scroll down to view the materials.


John McClymer, Lucia Knoles, and Arnold Pulda, E Pluribus Unum Project, "Eugenics in the Culture Wars of the 1920s: Some Approaches to Studying a Neglected Topic"

Scott Christianson,Bad Seed or Bad Science: The Story of the Notorious Jukes Family," (New York Times, February 8, 2003)

Eric Boodman, "White nationalists are flocking to genetic ancestry tests. Some don’t like what they find," STAT, August 16, 2017


The DNA Journey

Visit the following Website:

Vaught's Practical Character Reader

Archive of the American Eugenics Movement