To register call (972) 985-3711 and specify the 5-digit CRN number OR go online
Skill Inventory
To learn more about what level of skills you know in Excel, take the Skill Inventory Analysis for Excel and/or Word.
What is MOS?
Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS), it is the credential required by academia and business, recognized globally as the premier credential chosen by individuals seeking to validate their knowledge, skills and abilities relating to the Microsoft Office applications.
What are the benefits of achieving a Microsoft Certification?
Microsoft Certification enables you to keep your skills relevant, applicable, and competitive. In addition, Microsoft Certification is an industry standard that is recognized worldwide—which helps open doors to potential job opportunities. After you earn your Microsoft Certification, you have access to a multitude of benefits, which can be found on either the MCP or the MOS member site. To learn more about the value of MOS in the workforce visit the Career Portal.
What suite is right for me?
Students have asked which package to choose when purchasing Microsoft Office. Below are links to Microsoft packages: