The Divine Names Page 11

Continuing in the World of Emmantion with the Column of Mercy, the first modification of the root YH used is YHW ('ya-HO', a particle of the verb 'to be'). This name is assigned to the spheerah Wisdom. The Qabbalistic Yaho is related (at least linguistically) to the Gnostic deity IAO ('ee-ah-OH'), not to mention the Canaanite god Yaw, and this underscores the connection between these three religious movements. This Gnostic god, by the way, was also called Abraxas ('abra-KAS'), a Hellenistic mispronunciation of the Hebrew phrase H-BRKH ('ha-bruKAH' = 'the Blessed'), itself a shortened form of the Hebrew H-BRKH DBRH ('ha-bruKAH debRAH' = 'the Blessed Word'). It is a little known fact that 'ha-bruKAH debRAH' became Latinized as Abracadabra, a magical incantation familiar to us all.20 To the next spheerah down the Column of Mercy, the spheerah Mercy itself, the Qabbalists assign the name YHWH ('ya-ho-WAH' = 'he is'), which always used to be transliterated as Jehovah. This name, now usually transliterated as Yahweh, is a form of the verb 'to be', where the initial Y indicates third person singular form of the verb. It is a variant of the name AHYH, as Moses (or any one besides God) was expected to pronounce it. When God says His name, it is AHYH, "I Am"; when we say the same name, it is YHWH, "He Is". This little linguistic trick is an ingeniously picturesque way of suggesting man's relationship to God.

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