Chapter Two Page 7
Lesson 5

How are they refined, weighed and exchanged? A with all of them and all of them with A; B with all of them and all of them with B; and the whole circuit in turn. And the formations of the two hundred and thirty-one Gates form all the formations; and all words are formed from One Name.41

Lesson 6

He formed the Solid from the Deep42 and made the Naught exist.43 And He hewed Great Pillars44 from the Atmosphere, which was not.45 And this is the sign: letter A with all of them and them all with letter A; Prophet and Commandment.46 And He made all the Forms and all the Words from One Name. And a sign to speak: twenty-two objects in one body.47

Chapter Three

Lesson 1

Three Mothers: A, M, Sh.48 Their foundation is the Scale of Innocence and the Scale of Guilt, and the Tongue established as a Friend between. Three Mothers, A, M, Sh, are a great secret, wonderful and concealed, and they are sealed in six Formulations.49 And he formed from them Air and Water and Fire.50 And from them were born Fathers,51 and, from the Fathers, Offspring.52

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