Chapter Three | Page 8 |
Lesson 2 Three Mothers: A, M, Sh. He engraved, hewed, refined, and exchanged; and He formed with them: three Mothers: A, M, Sh, in the World; three Mothers: A, M, Sh, in the Year; three Mothers: A, M, Sh, in Man, Male and Female.53
Lesson 3 Three Mothers: A, M, Sh. In the World: Air, and Water, and Fire. And Heaven was created from Fire; and the Earth was created from Water;54 and the Atmosphere from Air, as a Friend between.
Lesson 4 Three Mothers: A, M, Sh. In the Year: Heat, and Cold, and Moisture. Heat was created from Fire; Cold from Water; and Moisture from Air, as a Friend between.
Lesson 5 Three Mothers: A, M, Sh. In Man, Male and Female: Head, and Belly, and Chest. Head was created from Fire; and Belly was created from Water; and Chest from Air, as a Friend between.
Lesson 6 Gate 1. He caused letter A to reign in Air; and bound to him a Crown, and combined the one with the other. And he formed with them: Air in the World; Moisture in the Year; Chest in Man, Male in A, M, Sh, Female in A, Sh, M.55 |