Chapter Three Page 9
Lesson 7

Gate 2. He caused letter M to reign in Water; and bound to him a Crown, and combined the one with the other. And he formed with them: Earth in the World; and Cold in the Year; and Belly in Man, Male in A, M, Sh, and Female in M, Sh, A.

Lesson 8

Gate 3. He caused letter Sh to reign in Fire; and bound to him a Crown, and combined the one with the other. And he formed with them: Heaven in the World; Heat in the Year; and Head in Man, Male and Female.

Chapter Four

Lesson 1

Seven Doubles: B, G, D, K, P, R, Th. Their behavior is in two tongues:56 B and Bh, G and Gh, D and Dh, K and Kh, P and Ph, R and Rh, T and Th; constructions that are soft and hard, strong and weak.

Lesson 2

Seven Doubles: B, G, D, K, P, R, Th. Their foundation is Wisdom, and Wealth, and Fertility, and Life, and Dominion, Peace, and Beauty.

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