Sociology 1301: Introduction to Sociology - Online Web
Professor Larry Stern
Wintermester 2018 - 2019




Monday, December 17

Student Profile - Introduction must be posted in the "Pinned Discussions" section on Canvas no later than today, Monday, December 17 at 11:59PM.


Before beginning the course, be certain that you have read the Welcome Letter, which provides an orientation to the course, and the Course Syllabus.

Unit 1A: Perspectives: Ways of Seeing, Not Seeing, and Being Deceived

Unit 1B: Perspectives: What is a Human Being?


Prologue: Student Profile - Introduce Yourself to the Class - Why You Might Be a Sociologist
This is a REQUIRED assignment - it does not receive a grade. The goal is to give all students - and the Professor - the opportunity to find out who our fellow-classmates are and, perhaps, forge bonds that will facilitate future class discussions.

Due Date: This assignment must be submitted in Canvas in the "Discussions" section no later than 11:59PM, today, Monday, December 17th.


Quiz #1: Covers Units 1A & 1B. This quiz will be available on Canvas today, Monday, December 17th, at 7AM and must be completed no later than tomorrow, Tuesday, December 18th, at 10AM.


Summary-Response Options, for Units #1A and 1B & Discussion Topics: Perspectives: Ways of Seeing, Not Seeing & Being Deceived; What is a Human Being

If you choose to complete a SR essay from this unit to satisfy the requirement that two writing assignments must be completed from either unit 1, 2, 3, 4, OR 5, it must be submitted in the appropriate place in Canvas. Go to the "Assignment" heading listed in the left column of the course page and then click on Unit 1. It is due no later than 10AM tomorrow, Tuesday, December 18th.

Discussions should be posted during the day that a particular unit is scheduled.

Tuesday, December 18

Quiz #1: Available Monday, December 17 at 7AM, must be completed no later than 10AM on Tuesday, December 18th

Summary-Response Paper from Unit #1A and 1B: If you have chosen to complete this writing assignment as one of the two required assignments from Units 1 through 5, it must be submitted in Canvas ("Unit 1") no later than 10AM on Tuesday, December 18th.


Unit 2: What is Sociology? The Search for Social Patterns


Quiz #2: Covers Unit 2. This quiz will be available on Canvas today, Tuesday, December 18th at 7AM and must be completed no later than tomorrow, Wednesday, December 19th, at 10AM.


Summary-Response Options, Unit #2 & Discussion Topics: What is Sociology? The Search for Social Patterns

If you choose to complete a SR essay from this unit to satisfy the requirement that two writing assignments must be completed from either unit 1, 2, 3, 4, OR 5, it must be submitted in the appropriate place in Canvas. Go to the "Assignment" heading listed in the left column of the course page and then click on Unit 2. It is due no later than 10AM tomorrow, Wednesday, December 19th.

Discussions should be posted during the day that a particular unit is scheduled.

Wednesday, December 19

Quiz #2: AvailableTuesday, December 18 at 7AM, must be completed no later than 10AM on Wednesday, December 19th

Summary-Response Paper from Unit #2: If you have chosen to complete this writing assignment as one of the two required assignments from Units 1 through 5, it must be submitted in Canvas ("Unit 2") no later than 10AM on Wednesday, December 19th.


Unit 3: Theoretical Perspectives in Sociology: Micro-level and Macro-level Approaches


Quiz #3: Covers Unit 3. This quiz will be available on Canvas today, Wednesday, December 19th at 7AM and must be completed no later than tomorrow, Thursday, December 20th, at 10AM.


Summary-Response Options, Unit #3 & Discussion Topics: Theoretical Perspectives in Sociology: Micro and Macro Approaches

If you choose to complete a SR essay from this unit to satisfy the requirement that two writing assignments must be completed from either unit 1, 2, 3, 4, OR 5, it must be submitted in the appropriate place in Canvas. Go to the "Assignment" heading listed in the left column of the course page and then click on Unit 3. It is due no later than 10AM tomorrow, Thursday, December 20th.

Discussions should be posted during the day that a particular unit is scheduled.

Thursday, December 20

Quiz #3: AvailableWedneday, December 19 at 7AM, must be completed no later than 10AM on Thursday, December 20th.

Summary-Response Paper from Unit #3: If you have chosen to complete this writing assignment as one of the two required assignments from Units 1 through 5, it must be submitted in Canvas ("Unit 3") no later than 10AM on Thursday, December 20th.


Unit 4: The Study of Culture


Quiz #4: Covers Unit 4. This quiz will be available on Canvas today, Thursday, December 20th at 7AM and must be completed no later than tomorrow, Friday, December 21st, at 10AM.


Summary-Response Options, Unit #4 & Discussion Topics: The Study of Culture

If you choose to complete a SR essay from this unit to satisfy the requirement that two writing assignments must be completed from either unit 1, 2, 3, 4, OR 5, it must be submitted in the appropriate place in Canvas. Go to the "Assignment" heading listed in the left column of the course page and then click on Unit 4. It is due no later than 10AM tomorrow, Friday, December 21st.

Discussions should be posted during the day that a particular unit is scheduled.

Friday, December 21

Quiz #4: AvailableThursday, December 20th at 7AM, must be completed no later than 10AM on Friday, December 21st.

Summary-Response Paper from Unit 4: If you have chosen to complete this writing assignment as one of the two required assignments from Units 1 through 5, it must be submitted in Canvas ("Unit 4") no later than 10AM on Friday, December 21st.

Last day to drop course and receive a grade of "W" is Friday, December 21st.


Unit 5: The Socialization Process: The Influence of Social Groups and the Mass Media

Video: "Death in Gaza," LINK TO FILM


Quiz #5: Covers Unit 5. This quiz will be available on Canvas today, Friday, December 21st at 7AM and must be completed no later than Wednesday, January 2nd, at 10AM.


Summary-Response Options, Unit #5 & Discussion Topic:The Socialization Process

If you choose to complete a SR essay from this unit to satisfy the requirement that two writing assignments must be completed from either unit 1, 2, 3, 4, OR 5, it must be submitted in the appropriate place in Canvas. Go to the "Assignment" heading listed in the left column of the course page and then click on Unit 5. It is due no later than 10AM Wednesday, January 2nd.

Discussions should be posted during the day that a particular unit is scheduled.

Saturday, December 22 through Tuesday, January 1




Holiday Break


Wednesday, January 2

Quiz #5: Available Friday, December 21 at 7AM, must be completed no later than 10AM on Wednesday, January 2nd.

Summary-Response Paper from Unit 5: If you have chosen to complete this writing assignment as one of the two required assignments from Units 1 through 5, it must be submitted in Canvas ("Unit 5") no later than 10AM on Wednesday, January 2nd.



Unit 6: Race, Prejudice and Discrimination

Quiz #6: Covers Unit 6. This quiz will be available on Canvas today, Wednesday, January 2nd at 7AM and must be completed no later than tomorrow, Thursday, January 3rd, at 10AM.


Summary-Response Options, Unit #6 & Discussion Topics: Race, Prejudice and Discrimination

If you choose to complete a SR essay from this unit to satisfy the requirement that two writing assignments must be completed from either unit 6, 7, 8, 9, OR 10, it must be submitted in the appropriate place in Canvas. Go to the "Assignment" heading listed in the left column of the course page and then click on Unit 6. It is due no later than 10AM tomorrow, Thursday, January 3rd.

Discussions should be posted during the day that a particular unit is scheduled.

Thursday, January 3

Quiz #6: Available Wednesday, January 2 at 7AM, must be completed no later than 10AM on Thursday, January 3rd.

Summary-Response Paper from Unit 6: If you have chosen to complete this writing assignment as one of the two required assignments from Units 6 through 10, it must be submitted in Canvas ("Unit 6") no later than 10AM on Thursday, January 3rd.



Unit 7: Class and Gender Inequality

Quiz #7: Covers Unit 7. This quiz will be available on Canvas today, Thursday, January 3rd at 7AM and must be completed no later than tomorrow, Friday, January 4th, at 10AM.


Summary-Response Options, Unit #7 & Discussion Topics: Class and Gender Inequality

If you choose to complete a SR essay from this unit to satisfy the requirement that two writing assignments must be completed from either unit 6, 7, 8, 9, OR 10, it must be submitted in the appropriate place in Canvas. Go to the "Assignment" heading listed in the left column of the course page and then click on Unit 7. It is due no later than 10AM tomorrow, Friday, January 4th.

Discussions should be posted during the day that a particular unit is scheduled.

Friday, January 4

Quiz #7: Available Thursday, January 3 at 7AM, must be completed no later than 10AM on Friday, January 4th.

Summary-Response Paper from Unit 7: If you have chosen to complete this writing assignment as one of the two required assignments from Units 6 through 10, it must be submitted in Canvas ("Unit 7") no later than 10AM on Friday, January 4th.




Unit 8: Deviance and Crime in America


Quiz #8: Covers Unit 8. This quiz will be available on Canvas today, Friday, January 4th at 7AM and must be completed no later than Monday, January 7th, at 10AM.


Summary-Response Paper, Unit #8 & Discussion Topics: Deviance and Crime in America

If you choose to complete a SR essay from this unit to satisfy the requirement that two writing assignments must be completed from either unit 6, 7, 8, 9, OR 10, it must be submitted in the appropriate place in Canvas. Go to the "Assignment" heading listed in the left column of the course page and then click on Unit 8. It is due no later than 10AM Monday, January 7th.

Discussions should be posted during the day that a particular unit is scheduled.

Monday, January 7

Quiz #8: Available Friday, January 4 at 7AM, must be completed no later than 10AM on Monday, January 7th.

Summary-Response Paper from Unit 8: If you have chosen to complete this writing assignment as one of the two required assignments from Units 6 through 10, it must be submitted in Canvas ("Unit 8") no later than 10AM on Monday, January 7th.




Unit 9: Health Care & Medicine

Quiz #9: Covers Unit 9. This quiz will be available on Canvas today, Monday, January 7th at 7AM and must be completed no later than tomorrow, Tuesday, January 8th, at 10AM.


Summary-Response Options, Unit #9 & Discussion Topics: Health Care & Medicine

If you choose to complete a SR essay from this unit to satisfy the requirement that two writing assignments must be completed from either unit 6, 7, 8, 9, OR 10, it must be submitted in the appropriate place in Canvas. Go to the "Assignment" heading listed in the left column of the course page and then click on Unit 9. It is due no later than 10AM tomorrow, Tuesday, January 8th.

Discussions should be posted during the day that a particular unit is scheduled.

Tuesday, January 8

Quiz #9: Available Monday, January 7 at 7AM, must be completed no later than 10AM on Tuesday, January 8th.

Summary-Response Paper from Unit 9: If you have chosen to complete this writing assignment as one of the two required assignments from Units 6 through 10, it must be submitted in Canvas ("Unit 9") no later than 10AM on Tuesday, January 8th.


Unit 10: Social Problems, Social Movements, Publis Sociology, & Social Responsibility


Quiz #10: Covers Unit 10. This quiz will be available on Canvas today, Tuesday, January 8th at 7AM and must be completed no later than tomorrow, Wednesday, January 9th, at 10AM.


Summary-Response Options, Unit #10 & Discussion Topics: Social Problems, Social Movements, Public Sociology & Social Responsibility

If you choose to complete a SR essay from this unit to satisfy the requirement that two writing assignments must be completed from either unit 6, 7, 8, 9, OR 10, it must be submitted in the appropriate place in Canvas. Go to the "Assignment" heading listed in the left column of the course page and then click on Unit 10. It is due no later than 10AM tomorrow, Wednesday, January 9th.

Discussions should be posted during the day that a particular unit is scheduled.

Wednesday, January 9

Quiz #10: Available Tuesday, January 8 at 7AM, must be completed no later than 10AM on Wednesday, January 9th.

Summary-Response Paper from Unit 10: If you have chosen to complete this writing assignment as one of the two required assignments from Units 6 through 10, it must be submitted in Canvas ("Unit 10") no later than 10AM on Wednesday, January 9th.

Final Exam must be submitted in Canvas no later than 11:59PM on Wednesday, January 9th. Upload your paper in the Turnitin Assignment Inbox.





Final Exam Question


Final Exam must be submitted in Canvas no later than 11:59PM on Wednesday, January 9th. Upload your paper in the Turnitin Assignment Inbox.