Charles Darwin
Karl Marx
Sigmund Freud
William James
John B. Watson
Jean Piaget
Charles Davenport
Harry Laughlin
Franz Boas


Life Span & Introduction to Sociology

Section 2: The Intellectual Context: What is a Human Being?


Larry Stern, Lecture (Transcript-1): Perspectives: What is a Human Being?

Larry Stern, Lecture (Transcript-2): What is Sociology?

Arnett, Human Development, chapter 2, sections 1-3 (pp. 44-77)

John McClymer, Lucia Knoles, and Arnold Pulda, E Pluribus Unum Project, " Eugenics in the Culture Wars of the 1920s: Some Approaches to Studying a Neglected Topic"

Scott Christianson, “Bad Seed or Bad Science: The Story of the Notorious Jukes Family," (New York Times, February 8, 2003)

Gwen Sharp, "A Helpful Guide to Human Character"

Visit the following Website:

Archive of the American Eugenics Movement